Thursday, November 4, 2010


Went to SHANGHAI DOLLY with my colleagues last night after my dance. Damn sweaty and stinky! My dressing was kinda out of place too! But tested and proven that market value still not bad. Happy!? Hiak hiak!

Drink, drink, drink! Dance, dance, dance! Supposed to leave earlier, but met some of my secondary schoolmates there, so I stayed a little longer.

Okay, I found somethingy new. Why I caps lock SHANGHAI DOLLY? After much research, I realised SHANGHAI DOLLY is spelt in caps lock and the chinese name is 上海娃娃. Like obviously!

Ladies night on every Wednesday. The girls enjoy complimentary entry and 3 drinks after 11pm.

However, if you are drop dead gorgeous that night, you might get 5 drinks.

Society is making people become superficial. No wonder girls are so 爱美 nowadays. I will not criticise, since I'm also one of this superficial group. *grin* I think it is okay to wanna look good but not to the extent of plastic surgery though. One should be contented with what has been given to them.

Anyway, one more thingy I wanna add! Check it out at SHANGHAI DOLLY Facebook. There are some girls who gotten 5 drinks as they were rated Dolly-licious. I can only say...

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder! *loL and touchwood and slap mouth at the same time*

Fun rating 3/5*. Ladies can go, it's free anyway. But cabbie fare is expensive! So actually there is not much different. =)

Lotsa Loves,

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