Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fun at Museum

I didn't know that museum has got so many thingies to see. It was a good experience!

Admission is free!!!

There are a few exhibitions.


Fashion!!! ... of the olden days actually. I did not take much pics here, as it was too dark in there.

Next... Film & Wayang! This was nicey!!!

Next... Photography! Take a look at the olden days cameras. It's very interesting to see the very 1st kinda camera whereby the photographer hides under a curtain and take the pic. And later how cameras change over time.

Presidential Presents!!! I love the dagger most!

Last but not least... Food!!! There are bottles of spices for visitors to smell. Fun!

Joke of the day: The moving lights got tired. *loL*


and after...

Romantic ROM is going to start in the museum...

Fun rating 4/5*. Do visit the National Museum of Singapore if you have the time.

Lotsa Loves,

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