Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bad News

I wonder if I should start from good or bad news. I decided to start with the bad, so that I can end the day with the nicey thingies.

Start a day saddening, didn't go to the spa which we were supposed to go.

Next, I took a cab to Bugis coz I was late! >,< I scolded the cab driver for trying to cheat me! Not really scold nah, just raised my voice a little bit. I was quite surprised by myself that I actually did that. *loL*

Then, I received an SMS from a friend that another friend's dad has lost to the sickness battle. Sudden sadness hit me! And it rained. Wanted to text him, but I didn't know what I can say to him, so I didn't. May his dad rest in peace. Hope my friend can stand up on his feet again soon. =(

A bad bad day! Ended.

Lotsa Loves,

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