Sunday, October 31, 2010

Shopping Search

... for canvas shoes and sport bra for dancing!!!

Before the shopping search started, we had a soupie dinner!

Dinner was okay. Yummy rating 3/5*.

After dinner, we went to Peninsula Plaza as I read from a forum that there's where I can find US Master shoes. But too bad, I think this brand has been totally eliminated! Then, tried a few sport bra at Funan IT Mall, found one but no size!!! T.T

I wanted to buy the Hip Hop instructor B.U.M shoes. But couldn't find it too. B.U.M store was nowhere to be seen! Zzz.

Random shopping for awhile, found a nice pink Addidas cap and an F1-racer-look-a-like Puma jacket. I didn't buy both coz I wanna save money. Finally, I found a pair of Kappa canvas shoes which I thought they look nice! BUT both Bugis Junction and OG got no size 5!!! *rawr*

In the end, I bought nothing at all! NOTHING!!! =(

Okay, okay! Nevermind, nevermind!

I'll be going Tampines 1 for the Kappa shoes tomorrow!!! It's gonna be a better day! Cheers!

Lotsa Loves,

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